Club Penguin: New Glitch

Days ago, people know this glitch and some not. I just a glitch with Mascots coming to your igloo! And, How to get to other mascots igloos, NOTE: ( This is 2 story's in one post. ) Okay, Here's glitch #1:

Glitch #1:

How to get Mascots to come to your igloo:

  1. Go to your Igloo, And click a Mascot out of your Friends List. ( Let's use.. Gary. You don't need to use Gary if you don't want to.) 

   2.  Click EDIT IGLOO.

   3. You MUST Change your background to have the mascots come over.  Note: You may exit your Friends list now. But keep your mascot player card up.

There you go! The Mascot is in your igloo and will stay there until you go somewhere. Club Penguin may change the glitch when you try it. The Mascot doesn't do anything all it does is stand there doing nothing.

What do you think about this glitch? Well it's cool! Leave a comment below on what do you think!


NOTE: This post doesn't contain any photos. Just simple steps. Thank You. 

New post: How to get to mascot's igloos.

What you need: you need yo be in the room of the mascot. 

     0. Click the mascot to get there Background ( If you did, Never mind step 0.)

  1. Click the mascot.
  2. Click a Member penguin REALLY FAST.
  3. Click the mascot REALLY FAST.
  4. The igloo button should be open! 
You may fail, but you'll know if you did it right if the igloo has not as many likes. And, No puffles. ( Maybe, Rockhopper has his in his igloo.)   The mascot will go to there igloo after there done roaming the island. There's a good chance to meet a mascot!

Club Penguin will never change this.

Hope this works for you!



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