What happened?!


What happened to us?
We can explain! ...You want to hear the epic new things planned!

What happened to CPGuiding -- Is it dead?
Oh heavens no! I just had a busy week... Tons of quizzes! I'll be posting some new updates tomorrow!

Why did you tell us new updates?
We have some epic new updates planned! Stay tuned!
okay fine,,, you can have a sneak peak...
remember: the CPGEA team has early access to this epic new thing! :D

Wait -- Hold up. What's the CPGEA? I thought it was the (CP)GEAM?
CPGEAM is pretty hard to rememer. So, I thought it was easier to take off the M! Introducing the CPGEA! hehe

CPGuiding Dictionary: CPGEA: Club Penguin Guiding Early Access

Want to be a part of the CPGEA? Sign up on the new CPGEA page coming very soon!


Well. This brings me to a new update. We're introducing reader's mind! It's a polling system to tell us what you think! There's 2 polls introduced. But you need to stay tuned to the side to find out!

- Theflame54
click here to find out the new updates coming - aka follow the developer, me! :)


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