Club Penguin Codes for March 2013

Earlier this month for this month, Club Penguin represented 6 codes for coins only each of the value of 500 coins each. Sadly this month Club Penguin didn't add items into it but, we still get coins! For each code you use on the codes below, it is worth a total of 3,000 coins! Take a look below to see the coins below:


Code: SARDINA1 || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: 6CELESTE || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: J69RUTA2 || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: LAMPARAS || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: DELFINES || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: PUFFITOS || Reward for code: 500 coins
Total = 3,000 coins!

What do you think about these coin codes? Should Club Penguin add an item to it? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

-Bob (Bats65080)


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