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Thanks for coming!

We're still making CPGuiding better. Come back soon and see it finished!

2 New Cheat Codes for Everyone (1,000 coins)

Today, this is a video of the new codes on CP just like the graph we did yesterday. Look below for the video.

 Coins You Will Receive:

Code: CADENCEC = 500 coins
Code: ALTAVOZ4 = 500 coins

Total = 1,000 coins!

What do you think about these coin codes? Leave a comment below on what do you think!


Free Cheat Codes! January 2013-March 31

Club Penguin gives us codes that we should of upload but we had already used them. So we made a chart on The codes, How many coins you will receive, and when the codes were released. Look below for the codes so you can get started.

 ESKLUTZY  500 Coins  January 2013
 PIZZERIA  500 Coins  January 2013
 STAYSAFE  Virtual Laptop  January 2013
 PINTE400  500 Coins  February 2013
 OCULOS12  500 Coins  February 2013
 LESNIEVE  500 Coins  February 2013
 9JETPACK  500 Coins  February 2013
 HEARTIES  500 Coins  February 2013
 HAPPYCNY  Purple Dragon Costume  February 2013
 EISBERG2  500 Coins  February 2013
 BAHNFREI  500 Coins  February 2013
 FILMSTAR  Popcorn Hand Item  February 2013
 SARDINA1  500 Coins  March 2013
 6CELESTE  500 Coins  March 2013
 J69RUTA2  500 Coins  March 2013
 LAMPARAS  500 Coins  March 2013
 DELFINES  500 Coins  March 2013
 PUFFITOS  500 Coins  March 2013
 TUBERIDE  5000 Coins  March 2013
 MAGICAS9  500 Coins  March 2013
 EPFTOTAL  500 Coins  March 2013
 PERFORAR  500 Coins  March 2013
 COOKIE90  500 Coins  March 2013
 DIAMOND9  500 Coins  March 2013
 12CANNON  500 Coins  March 2013
 CELESTES  500 Coins  March 2013
 DIRECTOR  500 Coins  March 2013
 TELEFONO  500 Coins  March 2013
* CADENCEC 500 Coins April 2013
* ALTAVOZ4 500 Coins April 2013

Wow! You will get so much codes using this! If you have problems or suggestions, leave a comment below on what you think.


Message from JetPackGuy on The Spy Phone

Recently, Club Penguin will be upgrading our spy phones. The original spy phone shows a message from JetPackGuy. Look below for the image.

If you can't read the message it says:
"Agents. It's been too quiet for comfort lately. We've got a couple of high profile threats
we haven't tracked down. Keep sharp out there".
What do you think about what will happen when we get our new spy phones? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

Until Next Time, Yolo
 ~CP Yolo

The new Cp Blogger is Ninja?

  In this post, Ninja has show us a screenshot of what he said. Look below for more information.

Do you guys think Ninja is the next Cp Blogger?
Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think.

Until next time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

April Party Announcement from Spike Hike!

Today, Spike Hike and The Club Penguin Team has showed us about the sneak peak of the "Marvel SuperHero Takeover" party.  Look below for more information.

"Greetings True Believers!
I'm unbelievably excited to announce the return of the Marvel Superhero Takeover on April 24th!!

There are many secrets ahead, so I won't spoil the surprise, but I can tell you this is an almost ENTIRELY NEW PARTY with new heroes, new villains, and new places from the Marvel Universe!! You are not going to want to miss this...
Excelsior… and Waddle On!
- Spike "The Penguin" Hike & The Club Penguin Team"

So what do you think about The Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2013. Leave a comment below.

Until next time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Upcoming Events On Club Penguin

These are upcoming events on club penguin. The first event is the Penguin Style and it happens on April 5, 2013. The next event is Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal which is also on April 5,  2013. The event after that is the Igloo Furniture which will occured on April 11, 2013

What do you think of the upcoming events?
Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

New EPF Mission!!!!!

This ad is located in the exit page of club penguin.  It about the New EPF Mission. It will be available April 5-6 2013.  What do you think of new EPF Phone.

What do you think of the new EPF Phone.Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

PH times from March 28-2 April

Theses are the times for PH times during the March 28, 2013 - April 2, 2013. I hope you can meet her.  
March 28  : 9:15am PST Server: Schneeflocke (Deutsch)
 March 29  : 9:15am PST Server: Handshuhe (Deutsch)
 March 30  : 9:00am PST Server: Deu Bronco (Portuguese)
 March 30  : 11:15am PST Server: Pizza Fria (Portuguese)
 March 30 : 3:05pm PST Server: Pororoca Polar (Portuguese)

 April 1  : 6:30am PST Server: Zero Grau (Portuguese)
 April 1  : 8:15am PST Server: Cordilheira (Portuguese)
 April 1  : 10:00am PST Server: Polo Sul (Portuguese)
 April 1  : 12:15pm PST Server: Flor Da Neve (Portuguese)
 April 2   : 7:00am PST Server: Avalanche (Portuguese)
 April 2   : 9:00am PST Server: Deu Bronco (Portuguese)
 April 2   : 11:30am PST Server: Geladeira (Portuguese)

Also know PH might visited more during these times or might not make some. So what do you think of PH timing. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

PH Times for March 27, 2013

You might wondered where Ph might appeared. Here are some times are known to meet Ph.

6:15 Pst Server: Flor Da Neve (Portguese)
8:40 Pst Server: Torta De Atum (Portuguese)
9:00 Pst Server: Cordilheira (Portuguese)
9:30 Pst Server: Pufflelandia (Spanish)
11:30 Pst Server: Zero Grau (Portuguese)

What do you think of Ph timing. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!
Until Next Time, Yolo

~CP Yolo

Cp Glitch

Today, me and Momeniccole will show you how to get mascots in your igloo! Well you need at least 2 penguins in order to do this glitch. 1 penguin has to be your friend and yourself. Look at the video below for more instructions.

What do you think about this glitch? If you do it wrong you won't see the mascots in your igloo. If you still have problems leave a comment below.

Club Penguin: New Glitch

Days ago, people know this glitch and some not. I just a glitch with Mascots coming to your igloo! And, How to get to other mascots igloos, NOTE: ( This is 2 story's in one post. ) Okay, Here's glitch #1:

Glitch #1:

How to get Mascots to come to your igloo:

  1. Go to your Igloo, And click a Mascot out of your Friends List. ( Let's use.. Gary. You don't need to use Gary if you don't want to.) 

   2.  Click EDIT IGLOO.

   3. You MUST Change your background to have the mascots come over.  Note: You may exit your Friends list now. But keep your mascot player card up.

There you go! The Mascot is in your igloo and will stay there until you go somewhere. Club Penguin may change the glitch when you try it. The Mascot doesn't do anything all it does is stand there doing nothing.

What do you think about this glitch? Well it's cool! Leave a comment below on what do you think!


NOTE: This post doesn't contain any photos. Just simple steps. Thank You. 

New post: How to get to mascot's igloos.

What you need: you need yo be in the room of the mascot. 

     0. Click the mascot to get there Background ( If you did, Never mind step 0.)

  1. Click the mascot.
  2. Click a Member penguin REALLY FAST.
  3. Click the mascot REALLY FAST.
  4. The igloo button should be open! 
You may fail, but you'll know if you did it right if the igloo has not as many likes. And, No puffles. ( Maybe, Rockhopper has his in his igloo.)   The mascot will go to there igloo after there done roaming the island. There's a good chance to meet a mascot!

Club Penguin will never change this.

Hope this works for you!


PH Appearnces for March 26, 2013

You might be wondering here will PH be. Well Club Penguin gaved us some timings when will PH be online.These are PH Times for March 26, 2013. Good luck finding her!

5:30am PST Server: Sundae (Portuguese)

 7:00am PST Server: Baleena Azul (Spanish)

 8:30am PST Server: Fog (English)

  8:30am PST Server: Pizza Fria (Portuguese)

 9:00am PST Server: Vale Bronco (Portuguese)

 10:00am PST Server: Zipline (English)

 10:20am PST Server: Floco De Neve (Portuguese)

 11:30am PST Server: Mammoth (English)

P .S: PH may appearnce more times or might not might to come to some.

 What do you think of these timings? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

~ CP Yolo

Puffle Handler Tracker

As all of you, PH will visit the island today. Well If you didn't find PH you can use ours! Reminder: This is a accurate tracker that is updated most of the time (90% - 100%). In this post we will add some schedules on where is PH. Look below for the tracker.

I hope you find PH using this tracker. If you think if the tracker is will be helpful or if it looks good leave a comment below so we can know what do you think!


Puffle Party 2013 Walkthrough (Uconnguy)

This is a walkthrough of the Puffle Party!  In the video they show what will there be on the puffle party. Sooner I will be putting up the Tasks. For now, look below for the video!

Wow! I loved how did I show you the walkthrough! Did you like it? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

Club Penguin Puffle Party 2013 Glitch(Cheat)

In this cheat, you will be a penguin in the Puffle Play Zone when you are suppose to be a Puffle, you are a penguin.

 Here's The Video:

That's cool! Imagine that you turn to a puffle while actually going to the Relax - Tron! Do you like this? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

P.S: Here's a text guide:

1. Turn into a Puffle in the Play Zone
2. Open your playercard while your a puffle.
3. Click "Transform back into a penguin."
4. You are now a Penguin, when you are suppose to be a puffle!


Puffle Party 2013 Cheats

JetPackGuy,Momeniccole, and Me(Bob) made the video of cheats for the new Puffle Party 2013!



New Cheat Codes for Everyone & Some News for Puffle Party 2013/CP Staff News

**Spoilers ARE in the post**

       Once again, we got some new codes! All together the codes equal to 1,500 coins, which is more than 800 coins! That means you might get the rainbow puffle for 800 Coins! These codes are for ANYONE and EVERYONE! Today, we got a video for you of the cheat codes, but if you'd like to just know them scroll under the video.

Here are the codes!:
Code: TELEFONO - Coins Received from Code: 500 Coins
Code: DIRECTOR - Coins Received from Code: 500 Coins
Code: CELESTES - Coins Received from Code: 500 Coins

Now switching the topic, onto the thing everyone has been waiting for, The Puffle Party!

In the Puffle Party theres some news!:

After the Puffle Party ends guess what! The Puffle Hotel is going to stay as a PERMANENT room!

Also, just like the Hollywood Party, there will be tasks!:

And if you're wondering, "after the Puffle Party can we adopt the Rainbow Puffle?' Yes, You Can! I think just because of this Puffle, everyday i will see at least one Rainbow Puffle on the Island!

There will be a mascot visiting too! It's PH! The great Puffle Handler is coming back to meet everyone for the Grand Opening of the Puffle Hotel. Club Penguin has not told us yet, when she will visit but hopefully they will soon!

So, as i mentioned in the Title of this post "CP Staff News", it has come time that Businesmoose is leaving Club Penguin.... :( He has mentioned, "
Moose Monday is still happening so you'll have a lot of chances to say goodbye - hope to see you there!. :)"
Since Moose is leaving, there is a vote between four famous penguins to become the new moderator! The nominees are...
  • Tour Guide
  • Ninja
  • Smulley
  • Robo Bird  
And here are the pictures:

Well, That's all the News! Wow, that was a very long post. But finally finished!

Leave comments below, which nominee you think is going to get picked!


1 Cheat code for everyone: 5,000 coins!

A few days ago, Club Penguin released a code to everyone, so it is not a one time use.

The Code is:

If you enter it correctly,(I would copy & paste) you should get 5,000 coins! That's a code for everyone and stay tuned for more, each 2-3 weeks Club Penguin releases a new one for everybody!

--Enjoy Your Code!--


Puffle Party: Sneak Peek!

 Wow! It's been a while since a post happened! But anyways, i got 2 new sneak peeks for you on the upcoming Puffle Party! Apparently there are going to be 2 new rooms! One of them is in The Plaza and the other is in the Pet Shop! Check them out:

Here's The Room in the Pet Shop!

And here's the room in the Plaza!

In my opinion, from the Plaza picture i think that room heads to the Puffle Hotel that cp showed us when we logged in. I'm also guessing there will be a puffle hunt (like a scavenger hunt), to find all the hidden puffles, and if you do you get the Rainbow Puffle!

Here's a sneak peek of the day:

Leave comments below, what you think this means!


CPguiding Updates Progression

Hello everyone, this is Momen123 here and once again I will repeat that I am only here to help out cpguiding's stuff that they need to make their blog successful for. That does not mean I work for cpguiding which I will most likely not for my personal reasons.

This is just a general update to let you know that cpguiding has sort of been on a downfall recently and I feel that it is because the lack of updates and that we don't have anything to provide to make the site more significant. Incase if you haven't noticed, the background had disappeared from the site due to blogging issues with this template I am planning to add.

I found a template and a way to create a drop down list and have a full website but my problem is that, the template has too many features and squeezes everything in which it will take me a while to get it done so I can officially finish here. It will also fit the background without having it being tiled.

As of for the new bloggers, we are only room for at least 2-4 more and when we're full then we will not accept blogging applications. Unless someone is inactive then I could remove that person to replace with a new one.

The update I am doing as of right now that's in progress:
Adding the people that work for cpguiding.blogspot.com as bloggers into the background as "mascots".

Any suggestion or comments then please comment below

- Momen123

New Club Penguin Puffle Party Coomercial

As we know that Club Penguin said that we will have a Puffle Party and PH is in it. They will also be new rooms, a new Puffle, PH's background, and many more! The video shows that they will be lots of things going on Club Penguin when the party starts. Check it out!

Wow! The video shows some rooms that will be at the Puffle Party! I'm excited because I want to quest for the new puffle! Are you excited? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

Club Penguin Codes for March 2013

Earlier this month for this month, Club Penguin represented 6 codes for coins only each of the value of 500 coins each. Sadly this month Club Penguin didn't add items into it but, we still get coins! For each code you use on the codes below, it is worth a total of 3,000 coins! Take a look below to see the coins below:


Code: SARDINA1 || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: 6CELESTE || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: J69RUTA2 || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: LAMPARAS || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: DELFINES || Reward for code: 500 coins
Code: PUFFITOS || Reward for code: 500 coins
Total = 3,000 coins!

What do you think about these coin codes? Should Club Penguin add an item to it? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

-Bob (Bats65080)

New Author: Theflame54

"Hey Penguins! My name is Theflame54", I'm Cpguiding's new author! I'm very active, I own 2 blogs, there both Blogger. I have a Club Penguin one and a Animal Jam one. I have really good grammar too. , " I really hope your time here at cpguiding is amazing! "

NOTE: That pic was taken on: March 1st, 2013 (3/1/13) 

Waddle on!!
