Polo Field from the Club Penguin Blog JUST posted a new sneak peak for the Card Jitsu party. This time Polo Field shows a sneak peak about the Snow Ninja enemies. There will be a total of 3 villians and below shows one of the three villains in scratch and about it's information. Take a look at the quote below by Polo Field about the Card Jitsu sneak peak:

New Card-Jitsu Villain: Scrap By
Polo Field on February 8, 2013 - 18:16

Hey Penguins!

 Earlier this week we announced the team is working on not one, not two, but THREE new Card-Jitsu villains. Training is over. In Card-Jitsu Snow, ninjas need to proven their skills in battle!

 So we thought you might like to get to know who you'll be going up against....

Check out Scrap:

This guy's a real loudmouth. He's got a mean swing. And he's totally hyped up to take down ninjas.

Some interesting facts:
Favorite Food: Athlete energy gels
Favorite Dance Move: Playing air guitar with his racquet
Quirk: Can do 50 push-ups in a row. And will show anyone who will watch.
Quote: "I'll get you! Get you so fast it'll make your head spin!"

 Do you think you can defeat him? Maybe... But you can bet he'll go down swinging. AND this guy's got backup...
 Stay tuned to the blog for introductions to the other new Card-Jitsu villains!

 Waddle on!
 -Club Penguin Team

Tell us what do you think about this sneak peak and if your up for the challenge! Leave us a comment below!


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