New Updates Part 1

Hello again, this is Momen123 with some new updates! To let you know once again I'm only using Momeniccole's account for updates and I do not work with

First Update
Prior to my previous posts before, I mentioned for a new update coming for a permanent Pin and Field OPs tracker and here it is on the right side of your screen (If your using desktop). I designed if myself and took me two to three hours doing this but, now the job is complete!

Second Update
I completed creating the Cadence, Sensei and Aunt Artic and you guys will love the design for it and it is pretty much the same as for the Gary Tracker but in different colors. I also created a Puffle Handler (PH) tracker for the next party after the Hollywood Party called Operation Puffle. However, I still did not post it up yet so I will do so in a couple of days so, expect new additional trackers.

Still to come
Drop down menu list (I've tried a lot of times to get a drop down list but, for some reason it won't let me so I will just have to wait for my friend to help me out. The point of this is to add all the trackers into separate pages that fit into the category and to organize each topic.

Background for the site (I've found my background, it just needs a couple of edits and I will post it in the near couple of days at the very latest. This will also change the header's background from black to white.)

Tell us what do you think about these updates so far! If you guys have any suggestions/comments/questions then please ask me below in the comments!


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