Marvel Super Hero Takeover Sneak Peeks!!!

Today Polo Field posted pictures on Club Penguin Blog for the Marvel Super Hero Takeover Party 2013..
He said this "Hello Penguins! As some of you may have heard, last week we had a few parents in the Kelowna Club Penguin office for a Club Penguin Summit. We showed them some sneak peeks, and
I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to seem them. :)  Here's a close-up of the Park at the Marvel Super Hero Takeover.

 And here's the Plaza! Hmm... I wonder what those crystals are for..
 Of course, no party is complete without music! Wow, check out that beautiful view...
Hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks! Marvel Super Hero Takeover starts on April 24, 2013. Hope to see you there".  That what Polo Field said today. As you can see there will be 2 emotes for the party. Which are a money bag and police siren!!.. Comment below and tell you what you think of this!!
  Until Next Time, Hunter90019


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