Hot Sauce Heist

So club penguin updatd and i read the Newpaper and it said Hot Sauce Heist and i'm like what!!!!!!! Look what i found.\ the Hot Sauce Heist.

Then I read more and look what i discovered about the Hot Sauce Heist.

So then arrive at the Cove and look. It said the Party is Canceled. It also said no pizza, by the way i love pizza. There a missing Pizza sign and one where a Pizza said "have you seen me". My Pizza  nooooooo!!!!!!!!!.

Then I visit the Pizza Parlor. By the way is favorite place to hang out. I guess what I seen when i get there.  The place is a messed there pizza on the floor and the hot sauce is everywhere and it MISSING!!!  There a note where you play Pizzatron games, but it doesn't let you in.....   Here a look of the Pizza Parlor.
Tell us what you think about this mystery by commenting below.
Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo


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