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CPGuiding 10k view party and #MomenMonday


I thank you all of my CPGuiding viewers that we will have a 10k views party! (10,000 views party!).We will have some fun and we will even do a giveaway and probably more! We will might also video in the party. You can also meet your favorite bloggers of CPGuiding.
We will also have #MomenMonday at the same time when we do the party. Look below for more information!


 To win the code (1 week code) look below for the instructions:

 1) Your Penguin name

 2) Say that you were at the party (before the party starts, say that your coming).

 3) I will pick a random person and will pick the winner. (If you have a twitter name, go to @niccole19 and simply say "I was chosen for the code and can you give me the code".

 Hope to see you guys there! :) 

 ~Momeniccole and the CPGuiding team.

8 New Cheat Codes For Everyone!

Here we got 8 cheat codes! Instead of the video, here is the list of the codes!

MEISTERN - 500 Coins - April 2013
SCHUSS21 - 500 Coins - April 2013
VERDEORO - 500 Coins - April 2013
TIARCTIC - 500 Coins - April 2013
DIAMANTE - 500 Coins - April 2013
TERMINAR - 500 Coins - April 2013
 VAMOSEPF - 500 Coins - April 2013
OSOSTRES - 500 Coins - April 2013

If you use all these codes you will get in Total....

Total = 4,000 Coins!!

Have fun with your Coins!



Marvel Super Hero Takeover Sneak Peeks!!!

Today Polo Field posted pictures on Club Penguin Blog for the Marvel Super Hero Takeover Party 2013..
He said this "Hello Penguins! As some of you may have heard, last week we had a few parents in the Kelowna Club Penguin office for a Club Penguin Summit. We showed them some sneak peeks, and
I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to seem them. :)  Here's a close-up of the Park at the Marvel Super Hero Takeover.

 And here's the Plaza! Hmm... I wonder what those crystals are for..
 Of course, no party is complete without music! Wow, check out that beautiful view...
Hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks! Marvel Super Hero Takeover starts on April 24, 2013. Hope to see you there".  That what Polo Field said today. As you can see there will be 2 emotes for the party. Which are a money bag and police siren!!.. Comment below and tell you what you think of this!!
  Until Next Time, Hunter90019

Club Penguin Mascots New Outfits Confirmed

In Club Penguin's Summit they have announced and confirmed the new Club Penguin Mascot Outfits and they look amazing. There new outfit for RockHopper, Sensei, Aunt Arctic, Gary, and Cadence!!!!
Lets started off with how Rockhopper looks. I like his hat and outfit. The way RockHopper is posing, he looks ready to kick someone with his feet!!! 
Now lets go to Sensei and he looks awesome!!! His beard looks like the wind is hitting him and he has a fantastic outfit!! As we know Sensei will most likely be the mascot visiting the Snow Card Jitsu Party, that is happening in May!!! 
Then there Aunt Arctic and she looks like she prepared to do the Club Penguin Newspaper! I wonder what she thinking about writing!!! Also Aunt Arctic will be visiting the Super Hero Takeover Party 2013!!  
Next we have is Gary an he looks like he running from a experiment that went wrong and is taking his notes!!! I like his outfit and it has stains!
 Finally we have Cadence and she looks ready to Party like always!!!!! She has a microphone, scarf, shirt, and headphones!!
Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of the mascots outfit!!!!!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

How to get TreeHouse Igloo

OK so you guys were probably wondering how to get the TreeHouse Igloo. You get it by buying a exclusive membership card. It was Polo Field show that igloo this week. Here how it looks!!
Tell you what you think of this awesome and cool looking igloo. Comment below and tell us if you are getting it!!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Club Penguin White Hoodie Coming Soon - Rare Item During Marvel Superhero Takeover Party 2013

Today at the Club Penguin Summit a blogger told us that a rare item will be released for Marvel Superhero Takeover Party 2013. The rare that will be released is The White Hoodie. I can't wait for it and it would look so cool on my penguin!!!!!!.
I can't wait for the item to come out!!!!!! Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of the White Hoodie that coming out!!

Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Super Hero sneak peak!

The next party is the Marvel Takeover. Like last years party, we can buy new Marvel costumes but only for members. Well it will be the same thing again! Look below for the marvel costume from Club Penguin.

The Club Penguin costume:

Since Aunt Artic will be on at the Marvel Party, what will she introduce and what will Club Penguin team change? Leave a comment below on what do you think!


New Club Penguin Mascot!!!

I just found out that Club Penguin will have a new mascot for Club Penguin. But they won't said if a guy or girl or anything yet!! I'm hoping the mascot will be cool and will have a awesome background!!! I think it will be very exciting for the mascot to come!! This was answer on Club Penguin Summit!!!!

So what type of mascot do you want!!!  I hoping the mascot will do things that only he or she can do. 
Leave a comment below and tell you what you think of a New Mascot that will come.
Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Hey I'm Back!

I'm Back! It's been a while since i posted, but now I can post again.

I wasn't posting since I got myself into a Helper, but now i'm a Co-Owner again!

Well, that's all I got for now!


P.S. Checkout the posts Hunter made below (Just scroll down!)

New EPF Message from Jet Pack Guy

I went club penguin and it said one the EPF Phone that i got a message. So I look at the message and it came from Jet Pack Guy. He said " I'm seeing a lot of real fine work out there, agents. One agent particular showed great skill and bravery. You know who you are".
Comment below and tell us what you think of the message.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Secret Agents Rewarded

Secret Agents were rewarded and were congratulation by Director/Aunt Arctic. They were all happy when they were appreciated for all their hard works. 
When you click on the hot sauce that on the agent. It shows a message look.

Comment below and tell us what you think of this.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Marvel Super Hero Takeover Costumes

There are 11 costumes that are shown when you logged off club penguin. They seem pretty cool costumes.
These costumes are available for members. They will be available April 25- May 7, 2013
Comment below and tell us which are your favorite and what do you think of these costumes.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Mission Hot Sauce Continues

  The mission will give more details of the Hot Sauce Mission. Read what it said below for more information.
When you click where it said "Read More" it shows this. 
Comment below and tells you what details you think they will show..
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Club Penguin Secrets

There a Club Penguin Secret. It classified information, so don't tell anyone.
You can do the mission again after you finish it. You will earn extra medals each time you finished it.

Comment below and tell us what you think of this Secret.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

April 2013 Catalog Cheats

There one hidden item in the catalog. I will show you where it is. This is the cover of the new catalog.
The only hidden item is located in the Trash Can.
The Hidden item is ManHole.
Comment below and tell us what you think of the hidden item.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

New Igloos April 2013 Catalog

Since the April Party is Marvel Super Heroes Takeover is happening, there a igloo for that.
Here the igloo for the Party and it cool looking.  It called Secret Base igloo. There no igloo is more impenetrable and no base better disguised.
Here how it looks when it in your igloo.
Comment below and tell us what you think of the igloo.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Card-Jistu Snow Beta Test Finale

As you all know that Card Jitsu Snow is being tested. Unfortunately, the beta hat was suppose to be gone. Well, you have a chance on getting one. More information are located below.

In the picture, they said that they will improve the Card Jitsu Snow as soon as possible. What do you think the released date will come out? Leave a comment below on what do you think!

Ice Berg Will Tip Soon?

Club Penguin Emailed Me Back About Card Jistu Snow:

Club Penguin Comics

This is a free Club Penguin comics. The characters are Rockhopper, Gary, and 2 penguins. Look below for the comics.

#Comic 1: 

#Comic 2:

This comics are funny! Do you think these comics are too funny? Leave a comment below and share your inspirations!


Just found out: How to make your Rainbow Puffle fart!

I know I haven't posted in awhile, I am just coming up with some really good ideas. But, heres one of my great ideas: How to make your Rainbow Puffle fart! It's pretty easy. And, yes, I will include pictures.


Open your puffle's player card. And hold and move your mouse around the puffle's belly. He/She should fart.

This trick should work. If you have problems or some concerns, leave a comment below.

Waddle on,

~Theflame54 :)

Please note: You must be a member to get the rainbow puffle. Only members can do this trick. Thank You.

Spike Hike will be visiting this Sunday!

About an hour ago, Spike Hike had actually missed his daily Club Penguin meetups. Some of you guys know that sometime he does #SpikeSunday. He only does that when he misses his meetup. Well look below for the tweet for more information.

What do you think when will he meet up on Club Penguin like the server and what time? Leave a comment below on what do you think!


Free Accounts!

In this post, I will do a giveaway which is 4 CP accounts! This is a normal giveaway but not others like Coin Codes, Memberships, CJ Codes, E-Reader codes, or etc.... Look below for the username and passwords!

1) User: Flipflop8892
    Pass Password01 (P Has To Be Capital)

2) User Tester 2013 
    Pass greeny

3) User: Somo95
    Pass: Amanda

4) User: Dolphin365
    Pass: Dolphin

What do you think about these accounts? Hopefully I will post new codes most of the time. Well, if you have problems or suggestions, leave a comment below on what do you think!

Aunt Arctic going to April Party

Club Penguin just comfirmed that Aunt Arctic will be going on club penguin for theMarvel Super Hero Takeover 2013. Isn't that cool and awesome. You can check their at https://twitter.com/clubpenguin
Tell us what you think of Aunt Arctic coming by commenting below.
Until Next me, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Club Penguin Mission Cheats

 Heres a another perview for the new mission that Club Penguin put up. As they said, they updated the Spy Phone, put some things that we had to find, and more! Look below for more information.

It seems that Club Penguin will put up more missions after we are done. What will we have to do?
Leave a comment below on what do you think!


3 New Cheat Codes!

There are 3 New Cheat Codes for everyone now!

Here they are:

If you don't want to watch the video, here are the codes:

FOOTBAL1 - 500 coins
LOLZ2331 - 500 coins
TREEBASE  - 500 coins

Total = 1,500 coins!!


Operation Hot Sauce: Cheats

As earlier, Hunter(CP Yolo) posted a few sneak peeks of the new EPF updates!

Now the mission is here! Agent's, it's time for Operation Hot Sauce.

The Tutorial is here!:


©opyright for video



EPF Phone and Mission

The New and improved EPF Phone was released today and take a look on how it looks.
This is how it looks when you click it. It looks amazing!!

Then I went to where it said mission and it said go  to the Command Room Immediately. So I headed there as soon as possible.
There are still fixing, but there a place name "The Lab"!!!!!!!
Tell us what you think of this, by commenting below.
Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Hot Sauce Heist

So club penguin updatd and i read the Newpaper and it said Hot Sauce Heist and i'm like what!!!!!!! Look what i found.\ the Hot Sauce Heist.
Then I read more and look what i discovered about the Hot Sauce Heist.

So then arrive at the Cove and look. It said the Party is Canceled. It also said no pizza, by the way i love pizza. There a missing Pizza sign and one where a Pizza said "have you seen me". My Pizza  nooooooo!!!!!!!!!.

Then I visit the Pizza Parlor. By the way is favorite place to hang out. I guess what I seen when i get there.  The place is a messed there pizza on the floor and the hot sauce is everywhere and it MISSING!!!  There a note where you play Pizzatron games, but it doesn't let you in.....   Here a look of the Pizza Parlor.
Tell us what you think about this mystery by commenting below.
Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

Three New Postcards

There is three new Postcards which are Squizoid, You're Funny, and Turn Green Postcards
These are all. Tell us what you think of these postcards by commening below.
Until Next Time, Yolo
~CP Yolo

April Penguin Style

                     The April Penguin Style has been released. There only one new cheat.
The Hidden Item Is in by the watch and it Scrubs
That the only new cheat. Tell us what you think of the cheat.Comment below and thank you.
Until Next Time, Yolo
CP Yolo

New Pin!

This is a quick post with the new Pin.
The new pin, Bunny Rabbit is located at the Dojo

Here's where it is:

Cool Fact About This Pin: The last time a pin was inside the dojo, was February 24, 2011 for the Green Puffle Pin.

Another Fact: Since CP ever started doing pins, there has only been 2 inside the Dojo. Those were the Bunny Rabbit Pin, and the Green Puffle Pin.

Another Fact: There hasn't been a pin in the Dojo, since today for 1 year and a month.

So go grab your Pin!

It's at the Dojo, don't miss it!
