Hey everyone!
I'm really happy to announce that CPGuiding is hiring! We need to keep up with the latest news, updates, and cheats! Since the blog is still getting fixed, we need a special someone that can post (mostly) everything. (Aka newest cheats, blog posts, etc.) We need you, so don't be afraid to send in an application. We need to grow our community, and you can help us do that!
So, you want to become an author? Great! We'll get you set up ASAP. But, before you apply, you must follow these application rules:
Do not send in spam applications.
Do not harass any team member while applying.
Do not use personal information.
Do not send in fake information.
Make sure you post daily. Let an admin know if you can't.
Have fun, and good luck!
You have until the 5th of July to apply.
We will check results daily, and after the time above, we will delete this post, and post the results. If we don't have enough applications to our liking, or any at all, we will extend the time.
Thanks for applying and considering growing our community! Have fun, and good luck!
- The CPGuiding Team
P.S: July 9th is Flame's birthday! :)
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