New Club Penguin Times Issue #395 (Avalanche Covers Dojo!)

Today is May 16th, 2013 and here is the new Newspaper!
Enjoy reading so you don't have to get on CP!

First Page is the first 4 pictures.
Second Page is the 5th picture with Sensei in it.
Last Picture is the Secret for this week's newspaper.
Upcoming Events are listed on the 3rd picture.
Jokes are listed through the 1st-5th pages/pictures on the right side(lane).
The Featured Story is on Picture 1-2.
The "Get Published" (WE NEED YOU!) is on the 4th picture.

 First Page:


  1. That's weird. some of the pages are duplicated.

  2. Hmm your right. I'll tell Bob to fix it. Thanks for the notice moderator Jedinoah2!
