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Thanks for coming!

We're still making CPGuiding better. Come back soon and see it finished!

Muppet Theater Opened Today! - March 28, 2014

The Muppet Theater aka the Stage officially opened today to all to come and watch the quick play the Muppets do! :)

But when you first enter the Theater you will get this background for free!:

Most of you have seen it, but here is a view of the outside of the theater or The Plaza.

Inside the theater, we have two different types of stages. One is while they are singing and one is when we are waiting for them to perform.

Here is the performing one:

And here's the waiting to perform one:

Nothing very special but it is a very nice show of all the Muppets and a free background! :D

- Bob

New EPF Message - Jet Pack Guy - March 28, 2014

Jet Pack Guy recently messaged all EPF Agents. Here's the message:

Message Reads: "Agents. We received a tip that the Museum may be targeted for a robbery. Let's increase our security. Stay sharp"

It kinda reminds me of Klutzy and Herbert.... hmm maybe later in the year Herbert will come to try to take over the museum and Club Penguin? We will eventually find out in a few months or messages from the EPF!

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue - Issue #440 - March 27, 2014

Newspaper Issue #440 recently came out, here's what was on it.

Page of Contents:
Picture #1 = Feature Story & Newsflash
Picture #2 = Air Operations Story & Ask Aunt Arctic
Picture #3 = Upcoming Events & Ask Dot
Picture #4 = Comics & Jokes
Picture #5 = Secrets, Get Published & Jokes
Picture #6 = The Secret of the week

- Bob


NOTE: This has been fixed.

Just a note

Hi everyone. Just to let everyone know, Kermit The Frog's meetups have ended. We have deleted the post, too. And also, Kermit's BG is not available anymore, just Constantines is! I will be recording on how the Muppets World Tour looks like, and I want you to see it! I'll post here, don't worry. Oh yeah, I'm not Theflame54 anymore. There was something that shouldn't be in there... Anyways, my new name is Baker Dude. Of course, I'm a newbie. Non-member, ugh! Thanks for visiting CPGuiding! :)

- Baker Dude
(aka Theflame54)

Muppets World Tour: Day 8 - Pepe

Hi everyone! Looks like it's the final day until the finale! Today is day 8, do it's time for Pepe! Let's check it out.

First, click go to the dock. Then, click on Pepe that looks like this:

Click on him.

(note: My membership expired.)

Now is the time to go out and find some penguins to either join your act, or join someone elses. For members, they can do all of it!

Let's go and find someone.

Here's what the item looks in game:

Are you enjoying the Muppets World Tour? Leave your thoughts in the comments! I will see you back here tomorrow for a new thing... The Grand Finale with the lights and the penguins! :) I will also be recording, too! :)

- Theflame54

Pin Location

If you missed it, the Pinata pin came out a couple of days ago and its located at the Coffee Shop!

Here it is in the game!:

Go get it before it not possible to claim! :)

- Bob

Muppets World Tour: Day 5: Walter - Do a Tap Dance

Hey Penguins! Since we just opened, we couldn't get the Days up. But, we have the Meet-Ups here! Check those out! Anyways, today is Day 5 in the Muppets World Tour. Today, our host or partner or the muppet today is Walter. Let's check it out.

When you press Equip, you realize that you gotta go find some penguins to press on your icon. Or, press on others!

Once you have done that, you should see a screen like this:

Here's what that hat looks like on your penguin:

Enjoy! Come back tomorrow for Day 6! I'll be here, and I bet you will too!

See you tomorrow!


Club Penguin Cheat Codes

New Cheat Code: SKATES11

This cheat code gives you: 500 coins

New Cheat Code: 4VOLCANO

This cheat code gives you:  500 coins

New Cheat Code: DIGITNOW

This cheat code gives you: 500 coins

New Cheat Code: DISN2014

This cheat code gives you: Blue Blend Hoodie

New Cheat Code: RACEFLAG

This cheat code gives you:  Race Flag

- Bob

Muppets In Club Penguin - Trailer

Here is the trailer of the Muppet's!

 - Bob

Sneak Peek of the New Puffle Park!

Recently, Polo Field just released a sneak peek at the brand new Puffle Park! This year's puffle party will be in April. Polo also said that there will be two brand new puffles!

Here is the sneak peak picture!:

Looks like there will be activites for your puffle to do to get more sleep, cleaning, and playing time. Can't wait to find out the sneak peek of the new puffles next month!

- Bob

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue - Issue #438 - March 13, 2014

Newspaper Issue #438 recently came out, here's what was on it.

Page of Contents:
Picture #1 = Feature Story & Newsflash
Picture #2 = Air Operations Story & Ask Aunt Arctic
Picture #3 = Upcoming Events & Ask Aunt Artic
Picture #4 = Comics & Jokes
Picture #5 = Secrets, Get Published & Jokes
Picture #6 = The Secret of the week

- Bob

I'm Back!

Hey everybody! It's Jedinoah2. I haven't posted in a while because of school, but I'm back. Have you seen the new airplane igloo yet? If not, here's a picture:

I'll be on every day this week because I have no school. In the meantime, waddle on!


CPGuiding is back!

Hi everyone! Welcome back to CPGuiding. My name is Theflame54 AKA Nick. I'm the designer and blogger here at CPGuiding. Make123 previously known as Momeniccole, owns this. Here's some breif history of CPGuiding and when I joined, and when Momeniccole opened this amazing blog. Click read more!