Welcome Random!

Random will help us post! :)

Spot a problem?

Please contact CPG developers. Click this slide to be brought to the staff page!

Thanks for coming!

We're still making CPGuiding better. Come back soon and see it finished!

CPGuiding Update Session 1: CPGuiding will be updating to 1.3 and more updates

Hiya everyone! Me and Make123 has decided that CPGuiding is updating to 1.3 soon! New trackers are coming soon like Brady and McKENZIE. They will be major updates that the blog will change a little. Look below for the listed updates! NOTE: There will also be a post session going on about how the updates will happen. Mostly by Me or Make123.

1) Fixing Blog!

2) New POTW will be decided by Make123

3) Codes might come soon

4) New theme is coming soon!

5) Fixing header issue. 

Thats all I can think of right now!

Waddle On!

Theflame54 and Make123

CP Blog: Penguin of the day (8/6/13)

Hey Penguins! Daffodaily5 just released a new POTD. Congrats, Jaydenblast8! Lets see what Daffo had to say..

If you need a Jedi™ Master, look no further than Jaydenblast8! He’s been teaching other players how to duel with their lightsabers. The Force is strong with this one!
Nominate a friend for Penguin of the Day by contacting us!
-Club Penguin Team

I always need a Jedi Master.. And a kind heart penguin. I love players who are nice to each other, how about you? :) I think Jadenblast8 deserves POTD. How about you? Comment below! As again, 

Congrats, Jadenblast8!

Waddle on!


Club Penguin - Episode 4 - #Waddleon

Club Penguin uploaded Episode #4 of #WaddleOn just a while ago.

Check it out:

My favorite part was the last part, which was the Pookie Trap.

What was yours? Leave a comment!


Club Penguin - #WaddleOn - Episode 3

CP uploaded Episode 3 a while ago and here it is!:

Sorry for the late post I've been busy lately.

What was your favorite part?? Mine was at 0:42 with the Smoothie Smash Part! :P

Leave a comment below which part was your favorite
