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Thanks for coming!

We're still making CPGuiding better. Come back soon and see it finished!

Next Pin is Revealed! - July 11th

Hey Penguins, i recently found out that the next pin is coming out July 11th, and found out what it was!

It is called the "School Supplies" pin and it is currently a unknown location of where it will be.

Here is a little picture of it:

However, even though we do not know the location, We will update our Pin Tracker as soon as possible.


MU Takeover Party Items - July 1st, 2013

Today is July 1st, 2013! That means a new couple of items are here for the Monsters University Party.

To get these new items, go to the yellow can under the "Moderator" signal:

Now click the under the category "July 1" and today's items will be there!:

 In today's items we have, Monster Horns, One Eye CDA Mask, Art Costume, Three Eye CDA Mask, Squishy’s Mom Costume and Squishy’s Mom Mask.

Those are all the items for today! Come back here tomorrow to checkout what items are given on July 2nd!

Copy This Link To Share this Post with friends!: http://tinyurl.com/cpguidingMUitemsjuly1

Could Club Penguin announce to me that Music Jam is coming?

Hello everyone!
I've been thinking about the Music Jam for a week and I just sent support@clubpenguin.com an email asking about the Music Jam and Penguin Band and Cadence! What do you think is Club Penguin is going to say? Leave in the comments below!


MU Takeover Party Items - June 30th, 2013

Today is June 30th, 2013! That means a new couple of items are here for the Monsters University Party.

To get these new items, go to the yellow can under the "Moderator" signal:

Now click the under the category "June 30" and today's items will be there!:

 In today's items we have, The Three Horned Green, Two Eyed CDA Mask, Terry and Terri Costume, CDA Suit, Randy Mask and Randy Costume.

Those are all the items for today! Come back here tomorrow to checkout what items are given on July 1st!

Copy This Link To Share this Post with friends!: http://tinyurl.com/cpguidingMUitemsjune30

MU Takeover Party Items - June 29th, 2013

Today is June 29th, 2013! That means a new couple of items are here for the Monsters University Party.

To get these new items, go to the yellow can under the "Moderator" signal:

Now click the under the category "June 29" and today's items will be there!:

In today's items we have, OK Sweater, Johnny Mask, George Mask, Purple Monster Do, Johnny Costume, and George Costume.

Those are all the items for today! Come back here tomorrow to checkout what items are given on June 30th!

Copy This Link To Share this Post with friends!: http://tinyurl.com/cpguidingMUitemsjune29 ~~Bob~~

MU Takeover Party Items - June 28th, 2013

Today is June 28th, 2013! That means a new couple of items are here for the Monsters University Party.

To get these new items, go to the yellow can under the "Moderator" signal:

Now click the under the category "June 28" and today's items will be there!:

In today's items we have, The ROR Jacket, Sulley Mask, PNK Mask, Sulley Costume, PNK Costume, and Pink Monster Fins(Item for everyone)

Those are all the items for today! Come back here tomorrow to checkout what items are given on June 29th!

Copy This Link To Share this Post with friends!: http://tinyurl.com/cpguidingMUitemsjune28


Club Penguin - Mine is being Remodeled?

I got some news for you people!! The Mine is being remodeled soon!

This is a picture from Club Penguin Support replying to a e-mail to Ferdthebird. (thanks)

If you look where the arrow is pointing, that is where the Mine part is.

If you cannot read or can't see it, they replied saying:

"Oh... this just in! The Mine area is going to permanently re-modeled for the upcoming Monsters University Takeover! I'm not sure exactly what changes are going to be, but keep your eyes open for more updates to come...".

Hmm, looks like sometime after or while the MU Takeover is happening, the Mine is going to be re-modeled!

Let's see what happens in the next few days!

Thanks to Ferdthebird for the news & picture!


Monsters University Takeover Party - Cheats & Guide

Hello Penguins!

This is all we have been waiting for......

The Monsters University Party!

The Party is rocking-awesome and it has nice items with it too! The Tutorial is below:

Ok so, first lets start with the items! 

Everyday, new items will be given. But, you must buy the items with the points you earn by playing the new.. Scare Games!

How To Play The Scare Games:

Playing the Scare Games is easy. 

The Controls are the arrows on your keyboard and the space-bar.

Left: Moves the penguin left (goes back)
Right: Moves the penguin right (goes forward)
Up: Jumps and stays in the air for a limited time
Down: This arrow does nothing
Space: Jumps

To play the Scare Games, go to your map then click "Go There" on the top right.

When you get there, you want to click the bed with the robot in the bed.

Now Pick what team your gonna be on and play!:

Team OK has a huge advantage, but lets see if ROR can catch up!......

There are currently 4 teams, Team OK, Team PNK, Team ROR, Team JOX.

Currently, Team OK is winning the Scare Games.

Here is the currently score:


The New Emotes!:

They also added 6 new emotes for the party!

Four for showing teams support

And Two with one scary face and one creepy face!

Check them all out!:


Getting Points Without Playing The Scare Games!:

There is a way to get points, without playing the scare games. To do this you must buy one of the costumes with your points, that has a special dance feature that makes you roar! If you are near a penguin, it will give you about 5 points!

Here's what it looks like while scaring a penguin!:

Yup, on your screen and theirs, they will shake around and scream!

To know if you got some points for doing that, a yellow can should appear like this:

Well, those are all the cheats for the MU takeover Party! If i missed anything tell me!

-- Checkout the New Rooms and stuff!


New EPF Message - Dot - June 27th, 2013

Agents, Agents!! Dot has sent us a message that strange things are happening to the island and that we should go undercover! But i think shes talking about the new MU party!

Take a look yourself!:

Message: "Lots of strange characters around the island.. Agents, go undercover in a one-eyed mask or furry monster suit and see what Intel you can dig up."

Hmm, apparently it looks like she wants to dig with our puffles too! Let's see were Dot is going with this.....


Monsters University - Percy Costume - FREE CODE TO UNLOCK!

The Monsters University Party is going awesome! But right now I'm going to show you a new Code to unlock which will give you the Percy Costume. The code is DisneyMU.


CODE: DISNEYMU -- Reward: Percy Costume

Total Coins Received: 0  coins
Total Items Received: 1  item


Click one of the links below to redeem the codes!

Redeem code link for all CP languages!
English: Click here to use these codes in language "English"
Portuguese: Click here to use these codes in language "Portuguese"
Francais: Click here to use these codes in language "Francais"
Deutsch: Click here to use these codes in language "Deutsch"


Pin is now at the Iceberg!

Hey Penguins!

The latest pin is out! Check it out!! Go to the Iceberg! This pin is available until July 10th. So, make sure you get it!


Waddle on!


Club Penguin Newspaper issue #401

Hey Penguins!

The latest edition of the newspaper is out! Check it out!



Thats all for today!

Waddle on!


New Announcement on Blog - A new Party has come...(Spoilers)


A new party has come it is the Star Wars Party!! It will be happening in July and it was announced on the blog. Apperently, many penguins have wanted this party since on the post they wrote: "Over the years, we've received thousands of comments, emails and phone calls, all asking for one thing…".

Here is a mini Sneak Peek video from CP:

"That's right! The all-new Star Wars Takeover is coming to Club Penguin in July!!

Get ready to save the galaxy next month…

Until then… Waddle On and May The Force Be With You!

-Club Penguin Team"

Wow, i cant wait for the new party and see what it looks like!


New Club Penguin Updates! - Puffles Now Dig - Home Page Updates - Rookie Message

Recently, Club Penguin added a new feature, that your puffle can collect coins just like back in 2010 when we were collecting coins in the new Cave Mine. Anyways, Let's start!

The Puffles can now dig when you dance and im not sure about waving, but here it is! Thanks for training the puffles PH!

That picture was also added as the 3rd picture on the Home Page!:

Now, onto some EPF news. Rookie has messaged us telling us that the EPF, the Everyday Phoning Facility is rebuild on the outside, but the inside is still a mess:

When will we get to fix the entire EPF?! We will see.......


June 2013 - Coin Codes for Everyone - 2,000 coins!

Club Penguin released some new Cheat Codes for everyone! In total, they are 2,000 coins.

Here they are:

CODE: AMULETOS -- Reward: 500 coins
CODE: PESCADOS -- Reward: 500 coins
CODE: GASOLINA -- Reward: 500 coins
CODE: DEADORAN-- Reward: 500 coins 

Total Coins Received:  2,000 coins!

Credits to Perapin and for some of the codes!

Click one of the links below to redeem the codes!

Redeem code link for all CP languages!
English: Click here to use these codes in language "English"
Portuguese: Click here to use these codes in language "Portuguese"
Francais: Click here to use these codes in language "Francais"
Deutsch: Click here to use these codes in language "Deutsch"


June 2013 - Furniture Catalog - Cheats

The New June 2013 Furniture Catalog is here!

Sadly, just like the Penguin Style, this months Furniture Catalog has no cheats in it. But, there are a lot of items in the catalog.... more than usually! Take a look at the pages:

Wow! Those are a lot of items! I really like the Monster Boombox! It reminds me of DJ's! Comment below what your favorite item was!


New Club Penguin Times Issue #399 (Scare Games Update!)

Today is June 5th, 2013 and here is the new Newspaper!
Enjoy reading so you don't have to get on CP!

First Page is the first 3 pictures.
The Second Page of the Newspaper is on the 4th picture.
Last Picture is the Secret for this week's newspaper.
Upcoming Events are listed on the 3rd picture.
Jokes are listed through all the pages/pictures on the right side(lane) besides the last picture.
The Featured Story is on Picture 1-2.
The "Get Published" (WE NEED YOU!) is on the 5th picture.

--Sorry Some Pictures Look The Same--


Secret Of The Week:


Pin Cheat - Neon Flamingo Pin

Club Penguin released a new pin a couple of days ago. It's the Neon Flamingo Pin, and it is located at the Coffee Shop. This means the Snow Shuriken Pin is no longer at the Snow Village.

Comment how you like it!
